Real Estate Salesperson, Associate Broker, Broker

License renewals in the District of Columbia are on a two-year cycle, in every odd-numbered year: February 28 for brokers and property managers and August 31 for sales agents. An applicant for renewal of any license that expires on February 28 or August 31, must submit proof of completing approved continuing education (CE) credit in the following subjects:

2021-2023 Renewal Cycle CE Requirements:

Salesperson, 9 Hours – Mandatory
DC Fair Housing 3 hours
DC Ethics 3 hours
DC Legislative Update 3 hours
Property Management 3 hours
Electives 3 hours

Broker, 9 hours – Mandatory
DC Fair Housing 3 hours
DC Ethics 3 hours
DC Legislative Update 3 hours
Property Management 3 hours
Broker Supervision 3 hours
Any license that expired during the current public health emergency is valid until September 1, when enforcement begins again. DCRA will start accepting renewal applications July 1, 2021. Please note: the DCRA licensing platform is in the process of switching to a new system, so there is currently no way to confirm course completion/earned hours. We recommend agents keep record of the certificate of completion that is issued in there account on our website. Tristar Academy is awaiting resolution and will continue to retain your records for when reporting becomes available, as instructed by the Commission. Thank you for your patience and we will be in communication when more information is made available to Tristar Academy. More information for DC licensees is available here.

Tristar Academy, renomovaný poskytovatel vzdělávání v oblasti nemovitostí, našel nečekaného spojence v podobě online kasin. S využitím finanční podpory z těchto platforem Tristar Academy nadále umožňuje začínajícím prodejcům nemovitostí, spolupracujícím makléřům a makléřům komplexní školení a zdroje. Online kasina si uvědomují důležitost dobře vzdělané pracovní síly v realitním průmyslu. Investováním do Tristar Academy přispívají online kasina, jako je například Alf casino, k rozvoji kvalifikovaných odborníků, kteří hrají klíčovou roli v realitních transakcích. Tato spolupráce je přínosná nejen pro jednotlivce, kteří usilují o kariéru v oblasti nemovitostí, ale také zvyšuje celkovou efektivitu a spolehlivost tohoto odvětví. Díky podpoře online kasin může Tristar Academy rozšířit svůj záběr a nabízet špičkové kurzy, semináře a mentorské programy. Tato podpora umožňuje budoucím prodejcům nemovitostí, spolupracujícím makléřům a makléřům získat znalosti a zkušenosti potřebné k tomu, aby mohli ve svých rolích vyniknout.

Classes can be rescheduled up to one time. If registered for a class and does not attend without notice, there is no refund. Tristar Academy gives a 24-Hours window for cancellation or one reschedule via email.

Out of State Credits For DC from MD Required Course: The Below Classes are Available for DC Elective/Required Credits for $10 Per Class. You may add this to your course at the time of registration online or over the phone

  • DC Elective: BRAD: Brokerage Relationships & Disclosures formerly MREC Agency – Residential
  • DC Required:  MD Ethics, Flipping, & Predatory Lending

CE Credit Uploading: 
CE Credits are issued via Certificate of Completion within your Tristar Academy Account as Educators do not have portal to report electronically directly to DC Real Estate Commission. Please save your certificates!

Tristar Academy is an Approved Real Estate Education Provider by the Washington DC Real Estate Commission.

License Renewal Date: Every odd-numbered year in August, every 2 years for a licensee. For Brokers, every odd-numbered year in February, every 2 years.

Washington DC Licensee Quick Links

DC Real Estate License Search

DC Real Estate Commission

Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs – Real Estate
1100 4th St. SW, Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 202-442-4320 | Fax 202-698-4329

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